A Chamical Study of The Manufacture of Hard Cheese Made From Cows and Buffaloes Milk in Egypt
A comparative study of growth development and litter size as applied to two breeds of rabbits
A Comparative Study of The Morphological Physical and Chemical Changes  in The Sweet Peas(Pisum Sativ

A Contribution to The Study of Evaluation Dairy Cattle

a study of some factors affecting the keeping quality of samna
A Study of The Essential in The Jasmin Flowers (Jasminum Grandiflorum)
A study of the relation between conformation and milk yield in the egyptian buffalo

A Study on The bacteriology of raw and pasteurised milk

Breeding studies in cotton with A special reference to the cyto-genetics of A new egyptian type

Breeding work and other studies on corn with A view to producing hybrid corn

contribution of the knowledge of vitamin (c) content of the different egytion citrus fruits
Crochorus olitorius,L

Cytogenetic studies on portulaca

Cytogenetical Studies of Variegation and Doubleness in Mathiola Incana R-BR

deterination of pantothenic acid in biologocal materials

Development of A Variable Width Trench Excavator
Does chilean  black watermelon  deteriorate in egypt
Effect of fertilizers on the yield-vegetative growth and carbohydrate contents of sweetpotatoes
Effect of ringing on the physiological changes in the washington navel orang tree especially in relat

Mineralls in egypt cereal
Morphology of The Adult Treibolium Confusum Duv And Its Diffrentiation From Tribolium Castaneum Herbs

nicotine in tobacco determination of the nicotine contnt of different species-----

Nitrogen changes in farm yard manure prepared by the common egyption  methods

nitrogenous constituents in forage crops with particular reference to grasses

oil content and constants of the oil il varieties of egyption cotton

Phsiological Studies on Growth Cycles And Flowering of The Mando Tree

Physiological Studies in Plant Nutrition on The Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Deficiency Upon th
Special treatments for reclaiming alkali soils

spotting genes in mice and rabbit with special referance to the fifth  linkage group in the rabbit
Structure and development of the reproductive system in diptera----

Studies in the detailed composition of milk

Studies On Kareish Cheese
studies on some important features of buffalo semen

studies on the breading season and retroduction of the ewe
Studies on The kew bug-orthezia insignis-douglas-coccidae

Studies on the variation of its compositon and its yield during lactation periods

Sugers and Diastasis in Egyption Cereals

the composition and metabolism of bracken-pteris aquilina- with special referenco-----

The composition of the milk of cows and baffaloes

the creaming properties of buffaloes and cows milk

The Effect of Chlorpichine and Hot Air on Catalase and Protease Activities in Cottonseed Varieties.Co
The effect of different storge conditions on some physical and chemical changes in arizona citrus fru

The Effect of trace element interrelationship on the tomato plant, with particular reference to the i

The metabolism of the nitrogenous constituents of bracken with special reference to the cyanide conte

the nutritive value of green berseem-berseem hay and berseem silage

The smut-fangi of nebraska

أثر التلقيح الخلطي في زيادة العقد بالبرتقال -ابي سره

السياسة المستقبلة للانتاج الزراعي المصري

النتائج الاقتصادية لتحديد زراعة القطن في مصر سنة 1932

بحث في اللوزة وتكزين الزيت افي البزرة في بعض اصناف القطن المصري

تركيب لبن البقر والجاموس في القاهرة وضواحيها
تغذية الطيور الرومي لانتاج اللحم

دراسة  علي بعض النواحي المورفولوجية في نبات البرسيم المصري

دراسة فسيولوجية لبعض المواد الملونة لبعض النباتات
دراسة بعض العوامل التي تؤثر في سياسة انتاج القمح المصري
دراسة لبعض الخواص الطبيعية والطبيعية الكيماوية للبن قطيعين من البقر والجاموس المصريين

صناعة السمن وفقد الدهن في خطوات صناعته